8 Surprising Health Benefits of Apple

Benefits of apple

Health Benefits of Apple

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. This is a very prominent dialogue but why is it said so? Here are the “8 SURPRISING HEALTH BENEFITS OF APPLE” which will prove this statement and will definitely surprise you, so much so that you start consuming apples from today. Excited? Let’s dive deep into this! 14 Impressive Health Benefits of Pomegranate

Brief About Apple

Benefits of apple

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, a very famous adage. Apple which is scientifically called, Malus domestica is one of the most nutrient-dense fruits because it is massively rich in polyphenols like flavonoids, phenolics, carotenoids, etc. 

Apple is a ubiquitous fruit because it is globally consumed and renowned. It has high amounts of macronutrients like sugar, fiber, pectin and micronutrients too, including vitamin E, vitamin B6, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron and so on.

Apple possesses antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties due to its beneficial bioactive compounds, which also participate in various important physiological processes in the body like immune functions, digestion, bone health, etc. 6 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Mango

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Apple

Benefits of apple

1. Benefits of Apple for Skin

Apple is filled with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which reduces the inflammation in the body and boosts the skin health.

A double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial evaluated the administration of continuous Apple Polyphenol (AP) on facial skin conditions for 12 weeks in 65 healthy women participants, aged 20-39 years.

It was reported that AP alleviated the UV irradiation induced skin pigmentation significantly. However, a dose-dependent relationship was not clearly observed. The participants were given AP tablets of 300 or 600 mg per day. 10 Mind-Boggling Health Benefits of Turmeric

2. Benefits of Apple for Brain

Apple helps in brain functioning, prevents cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s Disease, etc.

A research found that fresh apple intake by aged rats for 10 weeks reduced anxious behavior and restored synaptic function to the level of younger animals.

A standardized mouse-model tested the effect of apple juice concentrate diluted in drinking water (Equivalent to 2–3 eight-ounce glasses of apple juice) for 1 month in neurodegenerative aged-mice.

The results reported significant improvement in cognitive-related performance and lowered pro-oxidative status compared to the control group. Top 5 Incredible Benefits of Ashwagandha

3. Supports Weight Loss

How to lose weight

Apple consumption may help in weight loss. 49 overweight women were randomized to 1 of 3 diet groups for 10 weeks including: (i) a daily intake of 300 gm apple, (ii) daily intake of 300 gm pear or (iii) 60 gm of oat cookies.

The apple consumption significantly reduced the weight. A weight loss of 1.32 kg after 10 weeks was observed.

5 human experiments revealed that consuming either whole apple or apple juice 240-720 mg per day caused considerable weight loss in obese people in 4-12 weeks.

8 animal studies depicted that daily consumption of 7-10 mg apple per kg of bodyweight caused weight loss during 3 to 28 weeks in apple-fed rats. How to lose weight? The Perfect Guide

4. Cancer Prevention

Research has provided enough evidence to prove the anti-carcinogenic properties of apple. A hospital-based, case-control study found that consuming 1-2 medium-sized apples (166 gm/day) was associated with massive decrement in the risk of various types of cancer including prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, etc.

A well-established rat model, chemically-induced colonic damage (colon cancer) also showed that daily consumption of apple juice for 7 weeks reduced the the number of large aberrant crypt foci in the distal colon and important markers, including DNA damage and hyperproliferation.

5. Regulates Cholesterol Levels

Apple helps in improving the lipid profile and keeps the cholesterol levels in check. A recent study revealed that daily consumption of 2-3 large apples (600 gm) and 500 ml apple juice for 12 weeks enormously lowered the Total Cholesterol (TC) and the ratio of TC:HDL-C(High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol).

In in vitro study, Caco-2/TC7 cells were exposed to apple extract, including a polyphenolic concentration which was equivalent to consumption of 3 apples per day. It resulted in reduction of accumulated esterified cholesterol and the secretion of apo-B (B-48 and B-100) containing lipoproteins.

6. Controls Diabetes

Scientific studies have shown a slight link between apple consumption and risk of diabetes. In a large ongoing trial, the Women’s Health Study, analyzed that apples were identified as the only flavonoid-rich food that might be protective against diabetes.

2-6 apples consumption per week reported a 27% lower risk of type-2 diabetes whereas daily intake of 1 apple was associated with 28% lower risk of type 2 diabetes10 Scientifically-Proven Health Benefits Of Sugarcane Juice

7. Ensures Healthy Lungs

Lung health

There is abundant evidence which shows that apple improves the pulmonary function and reduces the chances of asthma occurrence and lung issues.

A data from the French Branch of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition Trial reported a strong association between apple consumption and reduced asthma prevalence in a sample of 68,535 adult women.

Another study indicated that apple intake of more than 30-35 gm per day resulted in a 10% risk reduction of asthma.

A research found that apple juice from concentrate significantly and dose-dependently reduced wheeze in over 2600 U.K children, aged 5–11 years.

Moreover, apple intake was protective but not significant enough for dose-response relationship. However, both, apple and its juice had no effect on asthma. How to improve Lung Health?

8. Strengthens Bone

Apple helps to prevent the bones from deteriorating and helps to make them strong. However, more evidence is needed to establish this properly.

In a cross-over study, 15 healthy female participants aged 19–50 years, consumed a 500 kcal test meal on 3 different occasions consisting of: (i) either 311 gm of fresh unpeeled apples, (ii) 877.5 gm unsweetened canned apple-sauce or (iii) candy (108 gm).

Both the apple groups demonstrated a decrement in 3-hr net acid excretion and attenuated calcium loss.

An 80-days rats study reported that daily intake of phloridzin (a flavonoid isolated from apple), which was equivalent to 6 apples, enhanced femoral Bone Mineral Density (BMD) and markers of bone turnover. Sunlight: The Powerhouse of Vitamin D

How many apples should I eat in a day?

Eating 1-2 apples daily is sufficient enough to avail all the health benefits of it. But always consume apples with their peel (unpeeled apple) because their peel has the most amount of antioxidants and nutrients too. 5 Health Benefits of Kiwifruit, Backed by Science


Apple is a potent source of numerous phytonutrients and as a result it possesses various health benefits. The above listed “8 SURPRISING HEALTH BENEFITS OF APPLE” are adequate enough to convince anyone to incorporate apples in their diet on a daily basis. 6 Amazing Benefits of Watermelon

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