10 Best Tricep Exercises: Grow Muscular And Strong Arms

Tricep exercises

Best Tricep Exercises

Do you want to grow bigger arms? Then you should focus on the tricep muscle more because the tricep makes 60%-70% of your arm’s muscle mass. Here are the “10 BEST TRICEP EXERCISES” to increase your arm size.

[NOTE:- There is no such thing called “BEST TRICEP EXERCISE” because what is best for one may not be best for another due to various reasons like injury history, flexibility, experience, etc. The only thing is that these exercises are shown in studies and EMG activities to activate the tricep muscles comparatively better, provided if you are doing the exercise with proper form. 

So remember, the exercises which are not listed here do not make them bad. The only thing is that they are a bit less effective. But at the end of the day, it is your way of performing an exercise which decides its effectiveness.]

Tricep Anatomy (Parts of Tricep Muscle)

Tricep exercises

The tricep comprises 3 parts known as the ‘Heads of the tricep’. They are known as:

  • Long Head
  • Lateral Head
  • Medial Head

10 Best Tricep Exercises For All 3 Heads

Tricep exercises

A) Best Tricep Exercises For Long Head

1. Skullcrusher/Lying Tricep Extension

This is the best tricep exercise which you can do for your tricep as it effectively targets the tricep. Following are the steps you need to follow:

STEP-1:- Grab an EZ curl bar ideally, or a barbell and lie down on a bench. 

STEP-2:- Raise your arms overhead so that the barbell is above and behind your head. 

STEP-3:- Now slowly lower down the weights, bending your elbows back behind the body and push back again while keeping the shoulders in a fixed position.

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises?

(1) Reduced body’s momentum.

(2) Minimal risk of injury.

(3) Easy to progressively overload.

2. Overhead Tricep Extension (Low to High)

This is one of the most under-rated but extremely effective tricep exercises. All you have to do is:

STEP-1:- Grab the rope attachment of a cable machine with the cable set low (Just behind your upper back) and take a big step away from the machine while your back is facing the machine. 

STEP-2:- Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, raise your hands overhead and extend your arms a bit ahead of your body.

STEP-3:- Now slowly bend your elbows to its fullest so that your hands go completely behind your body and extend your arms back again. 

Important Point:

Always have the cable machine in low to high set-up.

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Minimal risk of injury.

(2) Reduced body’s momentum.

(3) Easy to progressively overload.

(4) Greater ROM (Range Of Motion).

3. Single-Arm Dumbbell Powerbombs

This is an ‘Old School’ or conventional bodybuilder’s exercise with a slight variation to make it one of the best tricep exercises. Here are the steps to do it:

STEP-1:- Grab a dumbbell with a pronated grip and raise your arm overhead. 

STEP-2:- Now bend your elbows sideways so that the dumbbell is behind your neck and extend your arms fully back-up again.

Important Points:

(i) You can also perform this exercise in a seated position on a bench with your back supported on the incline set-up to effectively target the tricep. 

(ii) You can also use a cable machine to ensure greater tricep activation.

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Easy to progressively overload.

(2) Greater ROM (Range Of Motion) due to cable attachment. 

(3) Cable ensures joint-friendly motion. 

(4) Seated variation reduces the body’s momentum.

B) Best Tricep Exercises For Lateral Head

4. Dips

Tricep exercises

Dips are one of the best bodyweight tricep exercises which you can incorporate in your workout. All you need to do is:

STEP-1:- Get on a dip station/bar with the bar shoulder-width distance apart or a bit wider than that.

STEP-2:- Keep your body in a straight position and slowly lower down your body while keeping it as straight as possible. And push yourself back again once your elbows are at 90°.

Important Points:

(i) Always keep your body in a straight position to ensure maximum activation of the tricep muscle.

(ii) Always lock out your elbows fully at the top to effectively target the tricep. 14 Most Effective Chest Exercises To Grow Massive Pecs

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Easy to progressively overload. 

(2) Provides immense load on the tricep.

(3) No equipment required. 

(4) Compound Movement.

5. Close Grip Bench Press

Tricep exercises

Bench press has always been one of the best exercises when it comes to increasing strength and muscle mass. With a narrower grip it also targets the tricep incredibly. Following are the steps you need to follow:

STEP-1:- Get on a bench press set-up and grab the barbell with your hands narrower than shoulder-width distance. 

STEP-2:- Now lower down the barbell to your chest while ensuring the elbows are tucked. And push back up.

Important Points:

(i) Do not flare your elbows at all. Always keep your elbows tucked in so that you target your triceps effectively.

(ii) If you have access to a squat stand, you can perform this exercise there so that the barbell does not go all the way to your chest but a bit above that. This ensures maximum focus on the tricep muscle. The Best Bicep Exercises and Bicep Workout 101

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises?

(1) Easy to progressively overload. 

(2) Provides enormous load on the tricep. 

(3) Compound movement.

6. Tricep Kickbacks

This exercise is also often under-rated but it can reap massive arm gains. Follow the following steps:

STEP-1:- Grab a set of dumbbells with a neutral grip and bend your body at 45°-60°.

STEP-2:- Keep your elbows bent at a 90° in front of your body and from there extend your arms completely, locking out your elbows fully.

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Highly effective to target the tricep.

(2) Chest-supported variation reduces the body’s momentum and is easy to execute this exercise.

(3) Beginner-friendly exercise.

Important Point:

Perform this exercise on an incline bench set-up with your chest supported on the incline set-up to target the tricep more effectively. 15 Best Shoulder Exercises To Grow 3D-Shoulders

7. Tricep Pushdown

Tricep exercises

This exercise puts a great load on the tricep and slight changes can also make it much more productive. Here are the steps which you need to follow:

STEP-1:- Grab the rope attachment of a cable machine and take a step away from the machine.

STEP-2:- Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, slightly bent body, slight arched back, chest open, keep the elbows tucked in, just beside your body and keep them at a 90° so that your forearms are parallel to the ground.

STEP-3:- Now push the weights down extending your arms completely so that your elbows are locked out fully and slowly release the weights.

Important Point:

Take a long rope attachment for a longer range of motion so that you can extend your arms fully to effectively target your tricep. 15 Best Abs Exercises To Develop Stronger Abs

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Easy to progressively overload. 

(2) Long rope attachment provides a greater ROM (Range Of Motion).

(3) Beginner friendly exercise.

8. JM Press

This exercise is not so renowned but it is highly effective to grow your triceps which makes it worth-trying. Following are its steps:

STEP-1:- Grab a set of dumbbells or a barbell and lie down on a bench. 

STEP-2:- Keep the weights straight in front of your body and slowly lower it down, while bending your elbows in front of you so that the weights are aligned with your shoulders.

STEP-3:- Once the weights come closer to your shoulders and in front of it, push the weights back again.

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Easy to progressively overload. 

(2) Provides enormous load on the tricep.

C) Best Tricep Exercises For Medial Head

9. Underhand Tricep Pushdown

A supinated grip (Underhand position) targets the medial head of the tricep comparatively higher. All you need to do is:

STEP-1:- Grab the straight-handle of a cable machine with a supinated grip (Underhand position) and take a step away from the machine.

STEP-2:- Stand with your feet shoulder-width distance apart, slightly bent body, slight arched back, chest open, keep the elbows tucked in, just beside your body and keep them at a 90° so that your forearms are parallel to the ground.

STEP-3:- Now push the weights down extending your arms completely so that your elbows are locked out fully and slowly release the weights.

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Easy to progressively overload. 

(2) Beginner friendly exercise. 

10. Underhand Close Grip Bench Press

Underhand close grip bench press is an amazing tricep exercise which you should definitely try. Here are its steps:

STEP-1:- Get on a bench press set-up and grab the barbell with a supinated grip (Underhand position) with your hands narrower than shoulder-width distance. 

STEP-2:- Now lower down the barbell to your chest while ensuring the elbows are tucked. And push back up.

Important Points

Always keep your elbows tucked in so as to target the tricep muscle effectively. Do not flare them at all. Best Back Exercises To Grow A Wider And Thicker Back

Why is it one of the best tricep exercises? 

(1) Easy to progressively overload. 

(2) Provides enormous load on the tricep.


Incorporating these “10 BEST TRICEP EXERCISES” will help you to reap massive tricep gains and increase your arm size enormously. These exercises are easy to progressively overload, highly effective and hits all the 3 heads of the tricep.

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